Sunday, January 16, 2011

Water and Business Update!

This week has been a great week for both the Water Only 365 project and my business! I'm going straight to the updates:
Water Only 365 Update:

Since January 6, 2011...I have been determined to follow through with my objectives of Water Only January/365. As far as the water goes...I'm not having any problems at all...but my main problem with this project is in the food. It's so easy to pick up a delicious snickers bar and eat what's tasty rather then what's healthy. So I'm working on a diet plan this week that should help push me a little bit out of my comfort zone and further my progress in a healthier life.

Two Guys and a Mower Update:

This week was a great week for business all around! We passed out 400 fliers to home in the area, did a $175 dollar clean up job of someones property (which only took 2 hours), spent $700 dollars on a trailer (which we used for the clean up job), AND FINALLY..............opened up a small business checking account for the business!

What a great week all around! We had someone write us a check to "Two Guys and a Mower"! If you've thought of an idea for extra income and you're having some success to the point where you're making thousands of extra dollars....I am going to highly suggest that you open a free business checking account with your local bank. This will be the best way to track your expenses that will allow you the security blanket of knowing that Uncle Sam isn't going to be angry with you when Tax Season comes around.

Website of the Week: is a site for those that enjoy writing a
rticles and essays or even poetry. If you haven't checked this site out...please go to today and give it a go. Not only do you have the opportunity to enter writing competitions with different members of the writing community, but you also can make a little extra money while doing so. Even when you don't enter competitions...the site is designed to give you small amounts of money for the writing that you do write. When people read your articles/essays and click on the advertisements, you get a few cents here and there from the people who click on your ads. You have a better chance at making more money though if you enter the competitions. Check out and let me know what you think.

New Blog will be up next Sunday like always! Thanks for reading and contributing!


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