Sunday, February 13, 2011

Two Guys and a Mower Update:

Incredible news! We are up to 17 yards thus far! It's amazing how fast a business can grow if you can simply take a little time and effort and apply it toward the marketing. I only handed out around 100 fliers this week but in the process of doing so knocked on around 100 doors. Face to Face contact is EXTREMELY important when starting a business. Everybody hands out fliers....nobody cares about them anymore. People inherently want to do what you tell them...and when you tell them about how important it is to have your service...they will listen and consider it every single time! Not only do we currently have 17 yards...but we have at least another 4 coming because of the door knocking.

So remember to:

1. Face to Face Contact will bring in better results then lame ol' fliers!
2. Always follow up with your future potential clients!

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